Transparent PET Jar With UV Barrier Extends Shelf Life

First in Turkey; Transparent PET production with UV barrier that extends the shelf life of products and protects them from sunlight.

We are happy to be the first PET producer in Turkey to offer the production of PET jars and bottles with UV filtering feature, which are used by well-known brands abroad. We achieved success as a result of our R&D studies that lasted for about 6 months.

The UV barrier, which filters the sun's rays significantly, does not spoil the transparent appearance of PET. Thus, even if you use a transparent plastic bottle, the product in the jar is seriously protected from sunlight. In this way, the shelf life of food products that need to be consumed quickly without using additives is slightly increased. We can increase the shelf life of products such as Yoghurt, Milk, Cheese and even honey and jam by preventing their contact with the sun to a great extent. However, the transparent UV barrier we apply to our PET does not mean that you can leave food products outside in direct sunlight. Our UV barrier prevents the sun's UV (Ultra Violet) rays from reaching the product in the jar. Transparent glass bottles and jars provide 80% less sunlight transmission than ordinary transparent PET jars.

Our UV barrier transparent plastic jars reflect and distribute the sun's rays by refracting them and prevent them from reaching the product in the jar. UV barrier can be applied to all of our products upon your request.